Step 1. Open your terminal
Step 2. Need to change admin mode
$ su -
Password: ("give your admin password")
Step 3. Want to install VSFTP before make sure if any previous install was made in that machine
# rpm -q vsftpd
if no previous vsftpd then
# yum -y install vsftpd
if completed
# vim /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf
you want to do two more action here. un-command these two line, press i to modify.
#for using different direcotry --- just add only one line >>local_root=/var/www/html
save the file
# useradd -d /var/www/html/ -s /sbin/nologin uatfileaccess
press Esc, then
Step 4. Now you want create a specify user to access ftp file.
#useradd ftpuser
#passwd ftpuser
password: ("give your ftpuser password at twice")
Step 5. Put the folder on your user account
go to computer, file system,home, ftpuser
if you want to change folder permission like
#chmod -R 777 /home/ftpuser
now you may paste specify folder inside your user folder
Step 6. Next start the vsftpd service like
#service vsftpd start
for permanent start like
#chkconfig vsftpd on
Step 7. If you want to delete ftp user like
#userdel ftpuser
delete the ftpuser files
#rm -rf /home/ftpuser
Create directory and texfile command
#mkdir /home/ftpuser/ftpfile
#touch /home/ftpuser/test
Want to remove VSFTPD
#yum remove vsftpd
read write mode
#chown ftp /var/www/html/
#chmod -R 777 /var/www/html
Step 2. Need to change admin mode
$ su -
Password: ("give your admin password")
Step 3. Want to install VSFTP before make sure if any previous install was made in that machine
# rpm -q vsftpd
if no previous vsftpd then
# yum -y install vsftpd
if completed
# vim /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf
you want to do two more action here. un-command these two line, press i to modify.
#for using different direcotry --- just add only one line >>local_root=/var/www/html
save the file
# useradd -d /var/www/html/ -s /sbin/nologin uatfileaccess
# passwd uatfileaccess
# vi /etc/vsftpd/chroot_list
#ftp user list
#groupadd uatfileaccess
# chown root:uatfileaccess /var/www/html/
# chmod -R 777 /var/www/html/
# usermod -G uatfileaccess uatfileaccess
# cat /etc/group
# service vsftpd restart
for aws ftp here
other directory for here
press Esc, then
Step 4. Now you want create a specify user to access ftp file.
#useradd ftpuser
#passwd ftpuser
password: ("give your ftpuser password at twice")
Step 5. Put the folder on your user account
go to computer, file system,home, ftpuser
if you want to change folder permission like
#chmod -R 777 /home/ftpuser
now you may paste specify folder inside your user folder
Step 6. Next start the vsftpd service like
#service vsftpd start
for permanent start like
#chkconfig vsftpd on
Step 7. If you want to delete ftp user like
#userdel ftpuser
delete the ftpuser files
#rm -rf /home/ftpuser
Create directory and texfile command
#mkdir /home/ftpuser/ftpfile
#touch /home/ftpuser/test
Want to remove VSFTPD
#yum remove vsftpd
read write mode
sudo find /var/www/html -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \;
#chown ftp /var/www/html/
#chmod -R 777 /var/www/html
#vi /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf
//enable these two lines
#service vsftpd restart
that's all
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