Since begining cable TV operators has been done live telecasting by using their own cable and OFC (optical fiber cable).
they can clearly distribute upto 20 to 30 kilometers. when they shoot and convert live videot in to stream and send to optical transmeeter edncodey.
and it be reached control room again it could down convert by a optical receiver. next the video can be telecast along with some logo,and adds by using
play out softwares.
in this technique audio and video are trasmited. when the shooting spot have mutliple camara it's been recording, then each and every
camara source as came control room by using the same technique and using mixing usint and online edit we can get a sing source.
if the channel owner haven't own fibe cable then they can use BSNL leased line. in the leased line have two types MLLN (managed leased line) & Non MLLN
MLLN - Used to send signal from one end to anther end,for example if the signale send chennai to salem by using MLLN then only one connection must using this
line. and must want to get separate BSNL modem by using this MLLN.
Non-MLLN - Used multipoint distribution, for examble if the singel send from channai to salem meanwhile on the way we can telecast by reproduce to make drop at viluppuram and aathoor
that means we can create multiple IP's. single telecasting singnal using multiple distribution.
Another way of live telecasting we can do wireless technology. there also have some techniques. Live bag technology get's camara source and able to telecasting by streaming type.
but it must want high speed internet. if without internet we can do live steam by using OB (outdoor broadcasting) used for OB-van it been with big dish.
it have two types encrypted and non encrypted.
thanthi tv, cnn are using encrypted.when the camera shoot source had send satellite by using OB-van and it down convert from channel broadcast control room
by using IRD. it also like a normal pay channel technique.
there are the techniques used for live telecasting
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